Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Why Tea is Better Then Coffee

    Hey all! I was just going about my day in an orderly manner when I suddenly got the idea to do a post on Why Tea is Better Then Coffee.

   A few reasons why is these . . . 

  • Coffee is harder to spell (Like, the word)  
  • Tea tastes yummier 
  •  Tea is easier to make

  •  Coffee doesn't smell, or look, as good as tea 
  • Tea has more varieties of herbs and taste

  •  AND, tea is not complicated, such as it's just some herbs put together to make a beautiful drink

    And there you have my reasons. If you don't agree NOW, then I will try to make you see why it's better. I mean, look at these pics!

   Does anyone else see it? I'll give you a guess. Cheery. NOW?! No? Okay, deep breath . . . don't freak out! Okay, it's because . . . the tea looks so much more inviting, and cheerful! The coffee looks dark and foreboding, and look at the bottom pic! Why on green earth would you want to eat BEANS?!! For a DRINK??

   Okay, sorry. Ugh. I'm making coffee look bad (though I do NOT feel guilty!). I mean, when you get home from work, or when you just want to sit down and drink something, what should you have? NO. NOT COFFEE.😝 TEA. Tea is more healthy too. It can help you get well, or even keep you well.

   I mean, who wants to drink this???!!!

   Also, all the pics that I see of coffee, like this one:

   Makes coffee look messy. So WHY drink it?

   Now, the ultimate question: 

Why is it worse?

   I'll say it. Because it is gross. And does not smell or look as good.

   Horror! I said it! *Gasp* Now, I need to close this post, but do you see now why I don't like it?? Also, another reason is . . . YOU CAN GET ADDICTED A LOT EASIER THEN TEA.

   Now do you see? For all who like tea better then coffee, good job for realizing what is better before it was to late! BTW, don't get me wrong, you can have coffee if you want, that is your opinion. I am just saying, in my opinion, it's more disgusting then tea. I won't stop you if you want to drink coffee. GO AHEAD, DRINK COFFEE, but it's not as good.😉 😁Okay, I got to leave, bye!!



(Comment below if you want and tell me what you think of both drinks! I would, again, really like to know.)


  1. Fun post!!!! Even if I totally disagree with you. XD
    I'm an avid coffee drinker - I started because I had so many college classes - starting at eight a.m. - and I was struggling to stay awake. And coffee was a lot healthier than a Dr. Pepper multiple times a week. XD Then - I acquired the taste for coffee and now I love it. I go outside on the porch every morning while it's still dark to drink my cup. :D
    And - I'll just say it. XD Tea is nasty. XP I know some people love it, but I only like it with a ton of sugar (enough to cover the tea taste). Coffee, though, I drink completely black, so it isn't adding extra sugar to my life.
    And . . . if we're talking about the pictures. . . I'm still in favor of coffee. XD Tea is daintier, fancier, and more sophisticated. Coffee (if you drink it black, which is the only correct way XP) is dark, rough, and strong. Besides that, some of my heroes may or may not be the tough cowboys on old Westerns, and they obviously drink coffee over tea. XD So - just based on the pictures and stereotypes, I'd still choose coffee (and the spelling of coffee is so cool XD).
    And - coffee is a lot easier to make, for me. I just get the coffeepot going, come back in ten minutes, and there's enough coffee for my dad (who drinks a lot more than me) and I both. With tea, you have to boil the water, let it steep, etc.

    Well, that was fun! XD You drink your tea, I'll drink my coffee, and we'll both be happy, no hard feelings. :D

    --Abby Elissa

    1. Well, Abby, your reasons are good. And, on you say "Tea is nasty", it is NOT. if you put two spoonfuls of sugar in actually good tea (I agree, there IS some nasty tea!) then it can be a perfect cup. Yum. There is this one I really like (It's probably my favorite) That is called Citrus Sunrise, and it makes the water taste like orange juice (WHICH I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TOO!).

      Tea can be good or bad. I mean, I personally HATE black licorice tea. And there are some that taste HORID! But other then those ones, I love tea. Also, coffee gives me a head ache.😝

    2. Well, glad you can enjoy it! XD Not for me. Like I said, I'd rather avoid the sugar that I would want in tea - and no orange flavored tea can beat that wonderful bitter taste of black coffee. XD

      And . . . well, if coffee gives you a headache, that's definitely a good reason to not drink it! :P I drink coffee every day to keep headaches away (caffeine every day helps my migraines stay away).

      I suppose we'll always disagree. XD

    3. XD Yep! I totally agree! Two different ways of having coffee. 1: head ache, and 2: keeps away head aches! XD

  2. Ahem. May I bring into the equation several factors. One, some of us may not like the hoity-toity-ness that tea is. After all, we are not in the late 1800s and require a invigorating cup of tea to get us through a rather dull and insipid afternoon, waiting for callers or for the sun to not be as hot so we might go back to work. Coffee is for those who wish to metaphorically brandish a sword in a successful effort to awaken the inner heroical nonsense we call energy brought forth through the process of caffeine. I myself drink decaf as I just savor the tantalizing taste that brings joy to my soul even if I must suffer with sorrow afterword that the drink is gone. I have never been a cheerleader for the rather untasteful liquid that is called tea. Bravo to the Queen and all the other excellent British people who love to savor it every day, but I am a rebel American and require the beans of the earth to quench my thirst. Now I dearly love the tea drinkers (any British person out there, I love Jane Austen so don't see this as a threat! :P), but the coffee is superior in so many manners and forms that tea pales in comparison. Can tea be made into a dessert type smoothie? Can tea be the third most drunk beverage in the United States? Granted, I know that tea is the second most drunk beverage in the whole world, with Coffee in third place, but that just means I am once again a rebel. I am too stubborn to be grouped in with a bunch of leaf flavored water drinkers. I am sorry for being so harsh and forgive me for being so bold with my proclamations, but it must be said. Alas, we shall be torn apart forever on this subject. Try not to cry too bitterly into your bitterly-lacking-taste tea as you think of me.


    1. XD Alyssa, I liked your rant, but as I said, it is NOT as good. I already gave my reasons up there, so I won't rant again. But, I will say, GO AWAY COFFEE!!! COME ON TEA.

    2. *gasp* FINE the coffee can come to me and you can take your leafy nonsense elsewhere. haha!

  3. I don’t like coffee OR tea. Tea is bland and coffee is gross. However, I agree the tea aesthetic is marvellous and far better than the coffee aesthetic XD

    1. Yay! I understand not liking tea. I mean, I used to not because I used to make it wrong. XD I now like it 'cause i figured out how to do it correct! ;D
