Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Why Tea is Better Then Coffee

    Hey all! I was just going about my day in an orderly manner when I suddenly got the idea to do a post on Why Tea is Better Then Coffee.

   A few reasons why is these . . . 

  • Coffee is harder to spell (Like, the word)  
  • Tea tastes yummier 
  •  Tea is easier to make

  •  Coffee doesn't smell, or look, as good as tea 
  • Tea has more varieties of herbs and taste

  •  AND, tea is not complicated, such as it's just some herbs put together to make a beautiful drink

    And there you have my reasons. If you don't agree NOW, then I will try to make you see why it's better. I mean, look at these pics!

   Does anyone else see it? I'll give you a guess. Cheery. NOW?! No? Okay, deep breath . . . don't freak out! Okay, it's because . . . the tea looks so much more inviting, and cheerful! The coffee looks dark and foreboding, and look at the bottom pic! Why on green earth would you want to eat BEANS?!! For a DRINK??

   Okay, sorry. Ugh. I'm making coffee look bad (though I do NOT feel guilty!). I mean, when you get home from work, or when you just want to sit down and drink something, what should you have? NO. NOT COFFEE.😝 TEA. Tea is more healthy too. It can help you get well, or even keep you well.

   I mean, who wants to drink this???!!!

   Also, all the pics that I see of coffee, like this one:

   Makes coffee look messy. So WHY drink it?

   Now, the ultimate question: 

Why is it worse?

   I'll say it. Because it is gross. And does not smell or look as good.

   Horror! I said it! *Gasp* Now, I need to close this post, but do you see now why I don't like it?? Also, another reason is . . . YOU CAN GET ADDICTED A LOT EASIER THEN TEA.

   Now do you see? For all who like tea better then coffee, good job for realizing what is better before it was to late! BTW, don't get me wrong, you can have coffee if you want, that is your opinion. I am just saying, in my opinion, it's more disgusting then tea. I won't stop you if you want to drink coffee. GO AHEAD, DRINK COFFEE, but it's not as good.😉 😁Okay, I got to leave, bye!!



(Comment below if you want and tell me what you think of both drinks! I would, again, really like to know.)

Monday, February 22, 2021

#4 A Few BEAUTIFUL Songs

    First off, hi all! Second . . . I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT DOING THIS ON WEDNESDAY!!!!😬

I am so sorry!! I was super busy last week, and I know I should have done it the next day, Thursday, or something, but I . . . I have no excuse. UGH. So sorry. Okay, down to business. I have a few really nice songs . . . And I hope you like them. Here they are:

The Blue Umbrella

   The Blue Umbrella is a short little video that my family likes to call a short, or shorts for multiple little bonus features. The song may sound weird after a little bit, but seriously, listen to the end.

   The second one is Piper

   These two are extremely cute shorts, and I would recommend them both. Make sure to listen through both all the way!!

   That's all I have now, but I hope you like them! I will do a tag soon, so stick around and don't wander. Or, if you do wander, then just come back soon.😁

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Happy Valentines Day!!!

    Happy Valentines folks!! Happy to see all your faces on this beautiful day!!! I have some awesome news (at least for me), and some awesome pics!! I will announce the awesome news . . . WE GOT SNOW!!!! At my house we haven't got snow all winter except some light dusty snowfalls, but today, or last night, it has been snowing NEARLY the whole time!!! It may not sound very interesting to y'all, but to me it is big news.... y'all all probably wanting to see some pics, so here . . . I have some of our dogs...

    Our Brown Lab, Mollie, would NOT stay still for a picture! 😂 The ones that you see is of our other dog called Bernie. He is around 7, but the thing is, is he NEVER acts like a puppy anymore, but today, he was running around with Mollie, who in my mind will always stay a puppy. 

   Then, when I came in I was greeted by none other than our wood stove!!! So cozy.

   Well, it was happy talking, but I got to run. Happy Valentines y'all, and remember that Valentines Day is a symbol for Love. Not just candy and heart balloons, but love. Which reminds me . . . Here is a verse on love. It's short, but it has LOTS of meaning . . .

1 John 4:19

   We love, because He first loved us.

   We should love ALL people that we know of, meet, or see. Or even don't know. Just . . . LOVE everybody. I got to go, but dwell on that,  ESPECIALLY now. Bye, loved talking to you!! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

#3 A Few BEAUTIFUL Songs

   Hey all, again!! Glad to see all your faces! I have two songs like last time, and I hope you like them! Umm, I am only going to do a short one like last time, BUT . . . I will do another post on something soon!! Okay, here is the first song . . . 


    I don't know how many of you have watched this, but it's a great movie, and I really like it!! It's funny and cute, and it's clean.

   The next one is . . . My Favorite Things

   They are, obviously, from the same movie, Sound of Music. It's a great movie like I said, but I got to run, so Bye!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Book Review

    Hello, hello, hello! I'm back. I am going to do the promised post for some books, so here we go. I have three AWESOME books. I'll dive in . . .

   All the ones that I am going to show you is from my top favorite author, P.D. Atkerson. The first two I am going to show you are agent ones. Here are the three books. After I put one down, I'll say what I think of it, then do the next one and so on. 

Phantom Thief (AKA Simon Lee)

   This book, along with all the other books by P.D. is SO GOOD. It's . . . OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!! These books are so amazing, that I give this one a five star. FIVE STAR! Okay, this is definitely for older kids, probably, umm, 12 and up? That is just my opinion though. Some people might think differently. There are a few thing like stupid and stuff like that, but no swearing or anything bad in it. I REALLY like these books.

   Next on is . . . 

Guardian Eagle (AKA Simon Lee) 

   This one is just as good as the first book. I give it another five star. SO GOOD. Like the other one, it does use stupid and stuff like that, and I would recommend it for 12 and up, but otherwise, like the other one, it is perfectly fine. I don't personally mind the word stupid, but . . . THAT being said, I do not use it in my books. Nor on here. Anyway, beside the point. Very good book, would read this one and the top one again.

   And the last on is from a different series. Here . . .

Testing of The Stars

Again a five star. This one is sci-fi, but clean. it is definitely for an older age, and is intense. A read again. *Sigh . . . again* So good. *Clears throat* Anyway, as I was saying, there is only ONE bad thing about it . . . IT'S TO GOOD TO PUT DOWN!!! I barley even wanted to put it down to EAT! (That goes for all the others.😆)

   Well, I hope you guys liked it. I got to run. But,  I would definitely say read them all, if you can. If you want to read the first book of the Simon Lee series, go Here. And for the Testing of The Stars you can go Here. Alright, I got to run, like I said. BYE!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

#2 A Few BEAUTIFUL Songs

    Hey all! I'm sorry that I didn't do the post yesterday, but . . . ummm, hehe, I was doing something for my sister/sisters. Anyway, I have a few songs for you, and I hope you like them. This post will be kinda short, but I hope you enjoy it . . .

   Okay, the first one I am going to do is a instrumental song from How To Train Your Dragon. It's called Romantic Flight. Here:

Romantic Flight

   The other on is from the same movie, and it's called Forbidden Friendship.

Forbidden Friendship

   I hope you like them! I got to run, but . . . I got to run! For doing such a short post, and not doing it on time too, I'll do a post soon on some books!!! Well, bye!